Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Frenetic Fifth Adventure

The Fifth Story
“There are things known, and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors”
Hollywood, early 1917
Director: Ok good that everyone is back from vacation. It seems that there was a few more problems with the sets than we had originally anticipated, but we’ve gotten new ones sturdily built and can begin shooting again. Ok first the bad news…the actor playing the brother has backed out. He got a better gig on a higher budget movie. I’m sure we all wish him well. What we are going to do for his scenes, is we’re bringing in the elf-girl that was the group’s contact. That way when they meet the goblins in their fortress, they will have numbers on their sides. Ok, good, let’s get this done.
(Scene 16, In town)
Director: Ok we’re going to have the sheriff come back. He’s going to congratulate the heroes and give them all gifts. Good…good…now he’s thanking them for taking on so much of the work while he was recruiting new guards. Everyone gets a gift…good. Ok now the group is going to go bond together celebrating their recent achievement. Ok everyone look like your having a good time at a drinking contest. Ok, wow good acting at the pretending to be drunk. Ok, you can stop pretending now. Ok put down the alcohol. CUT! Ok, sober up by tomorrow, a lot of shooting to do.
(Scene 17, the nettle woods)
Director: Ok stumble along group. Back through the forest where you saw the sea lion thing. You are going to approach the goblin fortress. Good, you’re nervous, you’re careful, you’re quiet, (sigh) you’re hung-over. Ok’ we’ll move through this scene quickly. Ok they see the pit that stopped them last time, and now they move on. Good and CUT!
(Scene 18, the goblin fortress)
Director: Wow! Look at that set. Did our prop guys do a wonderful job or what? Ok again we’ll be quiet, and sneak in. Ok you see some goblins patrolling and go around them. Ok elf, cast some of your spells to prepare for it. We’ll give you one that will deflect arrows, that will come in handy later. Ok now that the patrol has passed, move into the fortress and bar the door behind you. Unarmed fighter and former magician, cast your spell as well…good.
(Scene 19, within the fortress)
Director: Ok now we’re going to roam through the fortress and encounter some random groups of goblins and take them out. We’ve lost a bunch of our midgets over Christmas, so we’re only giving them to you in small groups. Ok first take out the guards. Yep, quickly before they can arrange the alarms. Good, you’ve taken out the tower goblins and continue to search. Sal! Why are the actors eating those pickles on the set? Their lunch?!? Can’t they eat it in the canteen? Ok, well, we’ll incorporate it somehow. Ok now let’s explore the area a little more before launching into the big confrontation with the Goblin King. What Sal? Ok we’re going to have multiple leaders you get to fight; apparently our test group felt we needed more action. So we’re going to have multiple battle scenes.
(Scene 20, Ripnugget’s throne room)
Director: Ok, the party is going to catch the goblin leader totally by surprise. Good, burst in and start fighting. Good…Ok everyone gets to do something. Rogue, move around and start attacking. Archers fire! Good Ok you, goblin king, get on that lizard and start fighting. And good, mass fighting, chaos erupts and the group emerges victoriously. There is much cheering and you search the area for any loot he may have acquired. You find some keys to use later and CUT!
(Scene 21, the Female magician)
Director: Ok this is one of the new scenes, while some of the midgets are getting into new goblin outfits; we’re going to have an interaction with a female mage. Ok, you…archer you talk to her while everyone hides. Try and get her to surrender. You, female magician, you’re going to foolishly refuse to surrender. You’re going to try and talk your way out of it good, but you’re ambushed…now flee. Flee through the secret passage and down a set of stairs. Good good, now unarmed warrior, you move with supreme speed and catch up to her. She is going to fire magic at you, but oh no, you foolishly forgot to cast your protective spell. But finally you reach her and catch her. You knock her unconscious and take her prisoner. Good you now investigate the rest of the fortress. You find a horse that the goblins were trying to kill, and you feed it and get it fresh water. Ok now you find a prisoner room where you are going to dump your captives. CUT!
(Scene 22, down in the basement) Ok you are going to continue to investigate the fortress. You go down stairs and look around. You walk around and investigate. Suddenly you are attacked by a strange tentacled creature from the ceiling. Rogue, you nearly die, but are ok. Those potions you keep finding have amazing curative powers which are the only things that keep you from dying. Ok now we’re going to have you ambushed by one of the other goblin lords. You…magician…they are going to shoot from behind. Fortunately! You had already cast your protective spell upon you and it bounces harmlessly off. Now the group turns as one and takes the goblin leader down in record time. He drops immediately and his entourage runs away. You chase them onto the bridge and slay them but one gets away into the woods. You rebarricade the door where they broke through.
(Scene 23, the sleeping quarters) Ok last scenes, then we’re breaking for the day. You come across the sleeping quarters of all the villains. There is an armored man here. You fight and knock him unconscious. Now you’re going to drag him back to the cell room and CUT! That’s it for the day, let’s get lunch!

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