Sunday, August 2, 2009

TPS Report 6.1


By: Tyack Verumpeto

Report 6.1

Today the Seekers got back to their roots. We had come together originally to fight off a goblin attack that had menaced Sandpoint. From there we had begun to form friendships which had even coalesced into a group identity as we each tried to feel our way towards being something better than we had as individuals. We had achieved much and prevented several major disasters from striking Sandpoint and the city of Magnimar. We had made friends, allies, and even a few enemies along the way. We had suffered a few setbacks, but been able to pick ourselves back up and overcome them. So we decided to reward ourselves and go back to doing what brought us together in the first place…killing goblins.
We had taken down three of the five known goblin heroes. First there had been Koruvus, the horribly mutated goblin who had fallen while we investigated the Runewell of wrath. Then we had infiltrated Thistletop and killed Ripnugget in his throne room. Also at Thistletop we had helped the ranger Shalelu have her vengeance against Bruthazmus when he had cowardly tried to shoot Valdaire in the back, only to be repelled by Valdaire’s spell of protection. Bruthazmus didn’t remain standing 6 seconds after that ill-placed shot.
Yet with two goblin heroes remaining, we moved on. Other, greater perils demanded our attention so we had to abandon our quest to keep Sandpoint safe from any future goblin menace. Until we had some free time on our hands and decided to take out the goblin-hero Vorka. Vorka was a known cannibal who feasted off the licktoad tribe. Our first objective…eliminate his food supply. Bock tracked the goblins through the Brinestump marsh until we came upon their camp. And although we were outnumbered by more than ten to one, our newly gained power, experience, and magics came into play and we eliminated them.
I charged into their midst to bunch them together while Valdaire unleashed fireball after fireball upon them, all but devastating them. Bock was a demon with his bow, felling them two at a time, while Grok waded into them, his adamantine sword and spiked shield easily skewering all he met. Nando also let loose with his bow and felled several. When the battle was over the score was Seekers-64 Goblins-0. We turned the ears into Daverin for a reward and gave him the goblin leader’s head as a present. We also took the time out to inform Titus Scarnetti that his name had been on Xanesha’s proscription list for his avarice behavior. He seemed unfazed by this, but showed interest that the Magnimar sawmill was no longer in business.
The following day we scoured the swamp looking for Vorka. Bock found some tracks to his lair near the swamp, by the beach. We followed those tracks. Bock and Nando snuck around, caught him by surprise and let loose a volley of arrows. Caught by surprise, Vorka jumped up and ran into his cave. Grok and I followed and slew him. Since we were already on our way to Magnimar, I used the Sehedron medallion to preserve his body so I could get it stuffed by a taxidermist and sent to Daverin as a present.
While in Magnimar, the Pathfinder society contacted Grok, Valdaire, and I about a possible mission to investigate a fort out in the hinterlands near Turtle Ferry to see why there has been no contact with it in some time. We agreed and arranged to set out by ferry. I in the meantime arranged with Father Lightbeard (leaving him 2,000 gold coins) to seek out a business factor to buy the 7’s sawmill (formerly owned by the Brotherhood of the Seven’s skinsaw cult) in order to make sure that Titus Scarnetti of Sandpoint couldn’t buy it, and would thereby have some competition.
In the meantime, although their original invasion of Sandpoint had introduced us to the Goblin song, I believe there is a newer updated version of it now.

The New Goblin Song

Goblins chew and goblins bite,
When Seekers come, goblins take flight.
Sandpoint heroes that goblins dread
We run now or we be dead!

Monk with them, move like light,
Give us goblins mighty fright
Charges right into our midst
Strikes us down with stunning fist

Dwarf strides out all strong and fit
In his armor, can’t be hit.
He is sure no goblin friend
Laughing as he makes us meet our end.

Rogue comes moving to attack
Stabs us goblins in the back
Likes to kill us one-by-one
Won’t let goblins have much fun

Ranger draws his mighty bow
Filling goblins up with woe
His arrows stick you…Ouch! Not Nice!
If you survive he shoots you twice.

Mighty wizard with his magic
Goblins meet him, it be tragic
Goblin know that it is dire
When they face his killing fire

Cleric added to the deal
If they get hurt then she heal
But she also willing to fight
Sarenrae’s acolyte.

Five goblin heroes once alive
Only one now still survive
If see Big Gugmut, be sure to tell
Seekers come, so run like hell!

Since the Seekers came around
There less goblins to be found
Far less goblins here today
They all dead or runned away.

1 comment:

  1. Nice line fitting in "Sarenrae's acolyte." Good stuff. I was thinking of doing a gangster rap called "We Kill Goblins Cuz We can" but I'm not sure if I'll have time before the game.
